In the News

The Power of Brand Storytelling

The Power of Brand Storytelling

In episode #136, Victoria Hajjar speaks with Frank Rose about storytelling and the power it holds in every aspect of our lives. (Aug. 2, 2023)

Think & Link with Joe Pine and Frank Rose

Think & Link with Joe Pine and Frank Rose

Join us for a lively exchange on experience design, technology and storytelling with the coauthor of The Experience Economy and the author of The Sea We Swim In. (Jan. 19, 2023)

Telling Stories with Frank Rose

Telling Stories with Frank Rose

Most executives don’t use narrative well and aren’t trained to understand its power, let alone how to master it. Tune in to find out. (July 15, 2022)

The 8 Must-Read Nonfiction Books of Summer

The 8 Must-Read Nonfiction Books of Summer

Curators Malcolm Gladwell, Susan Cain, Adam Grant and Daniel Pink have picked the most exciting nonfiction titles of the season. The eight finalists for summer 2021 are. . . (July 7, 2021)

Immersive Media with Frank Rose

Immersive Media with Frank Rose

Frank Rose says the best advertising is experiences so immersive that people are as enthralled as they are with a great movie or book. How many brands can make that happen? (June 14, 2015)

Distribution Revolution

Distribution Revolution

Over the last hundred years, content has become cheaper to produce and distribute. Now the analogue media conglomerates are fighting off challenges. (24 Aug., 2014)

Le cinéma est mort, vive le cinéma!

Le cinéma est mort, vive le cinéma!

Les films sont regardés sur des tablettes, des téléphones portables, des écrans télé et, bientôt, sur les lunettes Google. Mais que sera le cinéma de demain? (30 Oct., 2013)

Narrazione è partecipazione

Narrazione è partecipazione

Incontriamo Frank Rose che ci assicura che le parole chiave di questa nuova era della narrazione sono «partecipazione» e «immersione»: bi­sogna costruire storie immersive, veri e propri universi in cui entrare e abitare. (17 Mar., 2013)

The Digital Human: Tales

The Digital Human: Tales

Aleks Krotoski looks at whether how we tell stories has changed with the digital world. Perhaps it has much more to do with our distant past than we think. (Oct. 29, 2012)

One-on-one with Frank Rose

One-on-one with Frank Rose

After reviewing his book on storytelling in the digital age, The Art of Immersion, OgilvyEntertainment welcomed Frank Rose to The Chocolate Factory for a captivating chat on all things stories, media, and technology. (May 29, 2012)

The Late Edition

The Late Edition

Christine Ockrent with the latest from Paris, Frank Rose discusses his book The Art of Immersion, and Andrew Adonis talks the complexities of writing biographies on Monocle 24’s The Late Edition. (Apr. 17, 2012)

Transmedia Rising

Transmedia Rising

Borderless story worlds are providing consumers with multiple entry points that encourage deep engagement, often through active participation. While not new, this is becoming more pervasive—and eventually will become the norm. (March 2011)

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